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Pain and Modern Acupuncture(Fu's Subcutaneous Needling, FSN) Therapy

The following videos recorded  by  Dr Daming Gong,FSN Practitioner,member of FSNAE (Fu's Subcutaneous Needling Association of Europe)

For more detailed info, please check:


FSN, what is it?

what kinds of health issue will fit in this therapy?

why this modern acupuncture therapy with less pain but much quicker effect?

why FSN can help all the conditions which traditional Acupuncture helps, but more effective and quicker response than traditional Acupuncture.


FSN Inventer

Dr Fu Zhong-Hua



After FSN treatment, some patients will have a small canula left under skin.


Is it safe?

How to remove it ?




This exercise will be benefit neck shoulder and head blood circulation. It is good for most patient who suffering neck shoulder pain, stiff neck, headache,  dizzy, upper back pain. especially those whose work is in front of screen.

Fu's  Qi and Blood Invigorate Exercise 

Chinese version

This exercise will be benefit whole body blood circulation. It is good for everyone, especially those whose don't do much exercise.

English version

Nutraceutical supplelment, combined with ancient Chinese practice
                    -A good way for long term care & sub-health condition  prevention
Traditional Chinese Medical practice focus more on balance, Yin & Yang, Qi & Blood. Healthy people, their internal organ's can continue to produce JingWei(which more like micro-nutrition or essentials in our body  ), meanwhile the same importance is detoxing, getting rid of toxic from digestive track, each organ and tissue.
when people is sick, it means these balance is lost or its body nutrition is deficient or they have too much toxic. what Chinese doctors did in ancient age, they used Chinese herbs or acupuncture to  restore the balance  or to promote essentials or reduce toxic. 
Now we have more options, with modern technic and medical science development, the nutracetical supplements, extract from medical herbs combined with vitamins and minerals, open another windows for  todays Chinese doctor. we consider combine them in our treatment strategy. With it is advantage(Good taste, easy to take) it is more suit for long term care, such as aging related disease, chronic disease, and prevention sub-health condition

In this case Chinese doctor use Chinese medical theory to build up treating strategy with nutraceutical supplement, use them like Chinese herbs, for this severe skin issue patient with amazing result

Nutri -Physical.jpg

Are you just feel something not right with your body, but physical check show you are fine?

Are you in sub-healthy condition? Or  you just concern your healthy condition.

Let us try to complete this free questionnaire and see how are you. 

Better Gut Health, Better Life Qulity
Think about to give yourself a detoxing with repair.

skin issue Case

Xu's Acupuncture & Integrative Care Clinic, Omaha,  NE
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